Middle School Courses
(grades 7 & 8)

MSC Online courses meet Minnesota Academic standards and graduation requirements, as well as the national technology standards for students (NETS-S). All courses are taught by teachers licensed by the State of Minnesota in the subject being taught. For more detailed information about Minnesota academic standard alignment, contact MSC Online.

National Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) can be viewed at the NETS web site.

The courses listed below are available on a rolling-enrollment basis for students who need to
make up courses or credits, or who want to take additional courses for graduation, enrichment
or college preparation.

  • Course availability is based on teacher availability. Not all courses will be available in every term.
  • It may take 7 to 10 days to complete an enrollment after ALL paperwork and payment (if required) has been received.
  • To view our course quality evaluation rubric, click HERE

NOTE: All of our courses are semester-long (.5 credit) courses.
Courses, designated Part A/Semester 1 & Part B/Semester 2, are two-semester, year-long courses for 1.0 credit. however, each course may be taken as a single course part for .5 credit.
All semester courses are the equivalent of 90 instructional hours.



Some courses require additional materials or equipment. It will be the responsibility of the local district to obtain the additional materials. The requirements are noted in the course description.

A number of courses have expanded curriculum to help meet individual student needs. Advanced middle school courses available are identified by an 'A'. View the course description/syllabus for its course content.

  • In all courses, curriculum is broken into units that are taught in tandem with the framework students need to develop strong study skills. Rich, engaging content with interactive demonstrations and activities help students absorb and retain information.
  • In courses with advanced curriculum, students do more extensive writing and research that require more analytical thinking.

Please click on the course name to view the course description/syllabus.

indicates an Advanced course is also available

Language Arts

Journalism: Tell Your Story - Middle School

Language Arts 7 A– A & B 

Language Arts 8 A– A & B


Math 7 A- A & B


Comprehensive Science 7 A- A & B

Comprehensive Science 8 A- A & B

Social Science

Civics - Middle School

U.S. History A - Middle School A & B

World History I A - Middle School A & B

indicates an Advanced course is also available


2D Studio Art - Middle School

Career Exploration 1 - Middle School

Career Exploration 2 - Middle School

Coding 1A: Introduction - Middle School

Coding 1B: Learning Python and Javascript - Middle School

Digital Art and Design - Middle School

Exploring Information Technology - Middle School

Fitness - Middle School

Game Design 1A: Introduction - Middle School

Game Design 1B: Building a Game - Middle School

Photography 1A: Introduction - Middle School

Last modified: Tuesday, 16 August 2022, 12:30 PM