High School Courses
(grades 9-12)

MSC Online courses meet Minnesota Academic standards and graduation requirements, as well as the International Standards for Technology in Education (ISTE). All courses are taught by teachers licensed by the State of Minnesota in the subject being taught. For more detailed information about Minnesota academic standard alignment, contact MSC Online.

The ISTE Standards can be viewed at the ISTE web site.
The courses listed below are available for students who need to make up courses or credits, or who want to take additional courses for graduation, enrichment or college preparation.

We offer career ready courses designed to meet national and industry certification exam standards and equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to prepare for industry-recognized certifications. Companion courses are noted within each course and its syllabus. 

  • Course availability is based on teacher availability. Not all courses will be available in every term.
  • It may take 7 to 10 days to complete an enrollment after ALL paperwork and payment (if required) has been received.
  • To view our course quality evaluation rubric, click HERE
  • The course syllabus can be downloaded by clicking on the course title below.
  • Firefox or Chrome are the recommended internet browsers to access courses.

NOTE: All of our courses are semester-long (.5 credit) courses.
Courses, designated Part A/Semester 1 & Part B/Semester 2, are two-semester, year-long courses for 1.0 credit. however, each course may be taken as a single course part for .5 credit.
All semester courses are the equivalent of 90 instructional hours.



Some courses require additional materials or equipment. It will be the responsibility of the local district to obtain the additional materials. The requirements are noted in the course description.

A number of courses have expanded curriculum to help meet individual student needs. Honor courses available are identified by an 'H'. View the course description/syllabus for its course content.

  • In all courses, curriculum is broken into units that are taught in tandem with the framework students need to develop strong study skills. Rich, engaging content with interactive demonstrations and activities help students absorb and retain information.
  • In courses with expanded curriculum (identified by an '*'), students do more extensive writing and research that require more analytical thinking.

  Please click on the course name below to view the course description/syllabus.

indicates an Honors course is also available and * indicates a course with additional rigor is also available

Language Arts

Creative Writing

Creative Writing: Unleashing the Core of Your Imagination *

English I H- A & B

English II H- A & B

English III H- A & B

English IV H- A & B

Gothic Literature: Monster Stories

Journalism 1A: Introduction

Journalism 1B: Investigating the Truth

Mythology & Folklore: Legendary Tales

Reading & Writing for Purpose

The Lord of the Rings: An Exploration of the Films & Their Literary Influences

Women's Studies: A Personal Journey Through Film

World Languages

Chinese 1 - A & B

Chinese 2 - A & B

French 1 - A & B

French 2 - A & B

Ojibwe Language & Culture 1 - A & B

Ojibwe Language & Culture 2 - A & B

Spanish 1 - A & B

Spanish 2 - A & B


Algebra I H- A & B

Algebra II H- A & B

Calculus - A & B

Geometry H- A & B

Integrated Math I H - A & B

Integrated Math II H - A & B

Integrated Math III H - A & B

Pre-Calculus - A & B

Probability & Statistics - A & B


Anatomy & Physiology 1A: Introduction

Anatomy & Physiology 1B: Discovering Form and Function

Astronomy 1A: Introduction

Astronomy 1B: Exploring the Universe

Biology H - A & B

Biotechnology 1A: Introduction

Biotechnology 1B: Unlocking Nature's Secrets

Chemistry H- A & B

Earth Space Science H- A & B

Forensics: The Science of Crime *

Forensic Science 1: Secrets of the Dead

Forensic Science 2: More Secrets of the Dead

Great Minds in Science: Ideas for a New Generation

Marine Science: Secrets of the Blue

Physical Science H- A & B

Physics H- A & B

Veterinary Science: The Care of Animals

 The Arts

Animation 1A: Introduction

Animation 1B: Animating Your Creativity

Art in World Cultures

Artist Appreciation, Research & Reproduction

Digital Photography 1A: Introduction

Digital Photography 1B: Creating Images with Impact

Digital Photography 2: Discovering Your Creative Potential


* indicates a course with additional rigor is also available

indicates an Honors course is also available       

Social Science

African American History

Anthropology 1: Uncovering Human Mysteries

Anthropology 2: More Human Mysteries Uncovered

Archaeology: Detectives of the Past

Careers in Criminal Justice 1A: Introduction

Careers in Criminal Justice 1B: Finding Your Specialty

Criminology: Inside the Criminal Mind

Economics w/ Financial Literacy H

History of the Holocaust

Human Geography: Our Global Identity

Law & Order: Introduction to Legal Studies

Military Careers

National Security

Personal Psychology 1: The Road to Self-Discovery

Personal Psychology 2: Living in a Complex World

Philosophy: The Big Picture

Principles of Public Service: To Serve & Protect

Social Problems 1: A World In Crisis

Social Problems 2: Crisis, Conflicts & Challenges

Sociology 1: Study of Human Relationships

Sociology 2: Your Social Life

U.S. Government H

U.S. History H- A & B

World History H- A & B

World Religions: Exploring Diversity

FACS and Health Sciences

Culinary Arts 1A: Introduction

Culinary Arts 1B: Finding Your Palate

Culinary Arts 2: Baking, Pastry & More!

Early Childhood Education 1A: Introduction

Early Childhood Education 1B: Developing Early Learners

Fashion Design  

Fitness-4Life - A & B

Health - A & B

Health 1: Life Management Skills

Interior Design

Life Skills: Navigating Adulthood

Nutrition & Wellness

Peer Counseling

Personal Fitness

Real World Parenting

Workplace and Internship Readiness: Preparing for Work & Life

Office Fundamental Series




Technology (CTE Courses)

3D Modeling

Coding 1A: Introduction to Programming

Coding 1B: Programming

Cybersecurity 1A: Foundations

Cybersecurity 1B: Defense Against Threats

Digital Media Fundamentals 1A: Introduction

Digital Media Fundamentals 1B: Producing for the Web

Digital Media Web Design 2A: Build a Portfolio Website

Digital Media Web Design 2B: Build an eCommerce Website

Foundations of Game Design 1A: Introduction

Foundations of Game Design 1B: Storytelling, Mechanics, and Production

Game Design 2A: Build a World

Game Design 2B: Launch a Game

Introduction to Networking 1A: Introduction

Introduction to Networking 1B: Network Oversight

Introduction to Programming 1A: Introduction

Introduction to Programming 1B: Problem Solving Through Programming

Learning in a Digital World: Strategies for Success

Network Security Fundamentals 1A: Introduction

Network Security Fundamentals 1B: Forensics and Permissions

Operational Cybersecurity 1A: Introduction

Operational Cybersecurity 1B: Security and Planning in the Workplace

Principles of Information Technology 1A: Introduction

Principles of Information Technology 1B: Working with Computers

Programming 2A: Procedural Programming

Programming 2B: Creative Programming

Social Media: Our Connected World

Web Development 1A: Introduction

Web Development 1B: Planning and Designing

Web Development 2A: Sketching and Scripting

Business (CTE Courses)

Accounting - A & B

Advertising & Sales Promotion

Business Communications 1A: Introduction

Business Communications 1B: Listen, Speak, and Write in the Workplace

Business Information Management 1A: Introduction

Business Information Management 1B: Data Essentials

Business Law 1A: Introduction

Business Law 1B: Legal Aspects of Business

Business Ownership 1A: Introduction

Entrepreneurship 1A: Introduction

Entrepreneurship 1B: Make Your Idea a Reality

Hospitality and Tourism 1: Traveling the Globe

Hospitality & Tourism 2A: Restaurant & Hotel Management

Hospitality & Tourism 2B: Hotel & Restaurant Management

International Business: Global Commerce in the 21st Century

Legal Admin Specialist 1A: Introduction

Legal Admin Specialist 1B: Taking Care of the Legal Office

Management 1A: Introduction

Management 1B: Insight and Oversight

Marketing Foundations 1A: Introduction

Marketing Foundations 1B: Building Your Base

Marketing 2A: Global Business & Trade

Marketing 2B: Developing a Sales Team

Office Administration 1A: Introduction

Office Administration 1B: Running the Office

Personal & Family Finance

Principles of Business, Marketing, & Finance 1A: Introduction

Principles of Business, Marketing, & Finance 1B: Targeting Your Business Insight

Restaurant Management

Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Last modified: Tuesday, 16 August 2022, 12:29 PM